Touch and goes, circuits and fly bys are forbidden. Circuits and fly-bys although not generally allowed, may exceptionally take place with the specific approval of the Airfield Duty Manager.
No flying may take place outside the hours of
9.00am - 9.00pm, unless prior permission has been obtained from the Duty Airfield Manager. (Based Aircraft)- Please do not leave aircraft parked at the pumps (when not refuelling) or anywhere else that blocks access to other aircraft or vehicles
- Do NOT
join overhead or dead side.
- Live side joins only
- Please read noise abatement before visiting
- Join on the QFE at 1000ft not QNH as stated in some guides
- Radios must be used at all times 132.230
- Please sign in and pay on arrival at the clubhouse
- Landing is not permitted outside normal operating hours (visiting aircraft) 0900-1700L. Out of Hours movements can be facilitated with prior notice at a cost of £35p/hr after 1700L.
- Helicopters follow the same circuit as fixed wing unless advised
- Runway 35 is landing only and 17 takeoff only.
- PPR highly recommended by e-mail or phone.
- Cards and cash accepted
- Animals should not be brought onto the airfield\estate at any time